The Breath of Bridging Earth and Heaven
Sit with your feet flat on the ground
and your back straight, yet relaxed...
Take a minute to stretch so that you feel as comfortable as possible in your body... Now allow your eyes
to close.
Take a big letting-go breath, and then switch into belly breathing, feeling or imagining your belly
expanding as you breath in, and relaxing as you breath out...
Continue until you feel relaxed and present in your body... This is one of the many ways to breathe. Now
we will learn another way called the breath of bridging earth and heaven. We will imagine breathing energy from the sky and
the earth simultaneoulsy into the heart.
Let's start with breathing in the sky energy. Feel or imagine the energy of the sun above you -
it doesn't matter whether it happens to be day or night when you do this...
As you inhale, draw this energy in through the top of your head and into your heart. Breathe out a sence
of spaciousness as if your breath could move out the edges of the universe...
Try this for several breaths...
Now we will breath in the energy of the earth. Feel or imagine the earth energy beneath your feet...
As you inhale, draw this energy in through your feet and up into your heart.
Breathe out a sence of spaciousness as if your breath could move out to the edges of the universe...
Now we'll try the full breath of bridging earth and heaven. As you inhale, draw the sky energy
down at the same time that you draw the energy up...
Let them meet and mingle in your heart. Breath out a sence of spacious awareness into the universe. Try
this for a minute or two until you begin to get comfortable with it...
Now open your eyes and look out at nature. See the earth and the sky as you continue to do the
brathing exercise. This brings you into the present moment and blesses the universe with your peaceful presence.