System For Success

Three Keys to Change
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1. IntentionThink about a specific incident which your fearful, judemental thinking limited your abilities to be creative and loving. This strengthens your intention to change. Perhaps you took it out as anger at someone, something you have done before, and feel bad about it.
2.  Awareness. Notice when you are stuck in similar negative thoughts and judgements without putting yourself down. Realise this as the opportunity to change your mind and open your heart.
3. Creative Choice. Shift into Belly Breathing. You are now in the present moment. What would a more creative choice be? You can practice encouragement instead of destructive criticizm when working with others.
In these cases you are afraid of something that may have been caused from something in the past. However, this can really be a false fear that you have. Situations are like lightning and never strike the same place twice... meaning...
Each situation is different from the next. Most likely, it isn't the end of the world, just seems like it at the time. This is temporary. Use the next techniques to help you advance your control of fear.

Feel Good First
Have you realised that the reason you want your dreams and goals to be accomplished is to simply feel good?
Have you noticed that people who have what the want in a certain area of life also feel good about it?
Here is a little trick that will make it simple for you, feel good first.
You can control how you react to things when you are proactive.
That is right, you can feel good at any time you want when you choose to.
Find a Reason to feel good. Victory Log, Grattitude List, Affirmations can help.
Remember when you were a baby and could not speak. Your only way to comunicate was through laughing or crying... smiling, or frowning... and so forth.
When you giggled and laughed everyone loved it... and tickled you even more.
Just picture it that way, and you will be tickled even more :)
Of course it is true, when you cried, you also could get your way...
This can be true too... but is it as fun??

The Flip-Flop
The Law of Balance states that there is an equal and opposite reaction to all that occurs. Such as, you can't have light without darkness... no black without white.
When one area of your life advances, another side is balanced out.
Same as when one area suffers, another area can thrive. Even the same area.
You have positive and negative.
Choose wisely how to handle the shift and balance and don't be discouraged.
Look for the balance of ups and downs... highs and lows for success.
Use this law along with The Law of Attraction.

The movie called Fear and Phobia
Picture yourself... watching yourself... watching the movie...
of a fear that is really holding you back, based on memory.
The movie plays the scene that has caused this fear.
It plays all the way through to the end... and then....
You are right in the movie as it all happens in reverse in highspeed!
Everything happens backwards so fast... within seconds.
Then there you are... before it ever happened.
The End of the movie... the End of the Fear and Phobia.

Unlock the door to true success.