The first is called The Egg of Light...
Its' main use is to shield from other people's harmful thoughts, and theirs of yours. It can help you any time you want
to use it, and is recomended in the morning time.
Egg-of-Light Exercise
Begin by taking a good stretch, and then allow your eyes to close...
Focus lightly on your breathing, noticing the way that your body rises slightly as you breath in and relaxes
down as you breath out...
As you settle gently into observing the tide of your incoming and outgoing breath, your concentration can
become more and more focused...
Now, in the space above you and slightly infront of you, imagine a great star of loving light...
Allow the light to cascade over you like a waterfall to run through you...
Imagine the light entering the top of your head and running down through and between every cell, the way
that a river washes through the sand on it's bottom...
Allow the river of light to carry away any fatigue, illneess, or negativity and wash it out through the
bottoms of your feet into the earth for transformation...
As the river of light washes through you, imagine that it is scrubbing away any darkness around
your heart, allowing the light within you to shine more and more brightly... joining with the river of light... filling you
and extending around you for two or three feet in every direction like an enormous, luminous egg...
Make a firm mental declaration that any thoughts of love and encouragement will penetrate the egg
and reach your heart, while any negative thoughts will bounce off the egg and return to the sender as a blessing.
Declare also that your own loving thoughts will penetrate the egg and reach their destination, while your
negative thoughts will bounce off the interior of the egg and return you to the awareness of lovingkindness and encouragement.